RSpec + Spork Ignoring Filters
rspecI’m posting this as a reminder to myself and as Google fodder to raise awareness of this discussion.
Most of the Rails projects I have in active development use
RSpec for testing. I also use
Spork to preload the Rails
environment, allowing the tests to run more quickly. When I’m actively
working on a specfic example, particularly relatively slow-running
I’ll often use the :focus
tag to filter out the specs I
don’t need to run. I have the following set up in my RSpec
# spec/spec_helper.rb
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values = true
config.filter_run focus: true
config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true
Then I tag the spec I’m working on with :focus
like so:
# spec/requests/some_feature_spec.rb
describe 'SomeFeature' do
it 'successfully does awesome stuff', :focus do
# test awesome behavior
I then go to work implementing the feature, periodically checking the window running RSpec to observe my progress towards getting the feature working as described.
At some point recently — apparently after upgrading to RSpec 2.8 — I
noticed the :focus
tag being ignored. When I’d save my
changes, instead of the one focused example being run, the entire spec
file was being run. On a slow-running request spec, this could be
annoying, especially if I wanted to scroll through the
log/test.log file to debug exactly what was happening in
the database as the log output was cluttered with unrelated examples.
After spending some time composing suitable Google-fu to find reports of similar problems I ran across #166 on Spork’s Github issue tracker. The problem seems to rest in RSpec 2.8 somewhere, and the fix (or, at the very least, workaround) is relatively simple: add --tag focus to the .rspec file at the root of your project.
(As an added reminder, don’t forget to set
to true in your
block to ensure all your specs are eligible
for running when nothing is tagged with :focus